1st time poster here.
I hoped to use our new X-Pro (with towing package for a 5500# tow rating with weight distributing hitch) to tow our 4560# loaded travel trailer on occasional trips. (We also plan to get a 1/2 4WD PU as main TV.) Yesterday I headed out for a test drive before leaving for southern AZπ next Thursday.
The good news? Telly had "adequate" power, decent braking with the Prodigy P3 brake controller I installed and little sway with the WDH.π The not-so-good news? It came from the Scan Gauge II I installed to keep an eye on the transmission fluid temperature.(TFT)
I chose a sustained 8 mile highway climb with a 700' elevation climb in Towing Mode. (On the flats at 60 MPH TFT was 190-200) However, as I climbed the moderate grade (sorry, don't have an exact %) TFTs rapidly climbed so I quickly slowed down first to 40 MPH and then 30 MPH. (Not making a lot of friends behind me!)
At 30 MPH TFT stabilized at 224. (I'm not a mechanic but Google consistently tells me "bad things" start to happen over 220!)
I then timidly pushed the limit and drove slowly (more 30 MPH creeping) 10 miles with a 1300' elevation gain and the TFT rose to 226. (Radiator temp on the Scan Gauge read 216.)
So folks, is there something I could have done better here?
Questions for the group:
1. Any work arounds? Is there a better way I should drive hills? (I let tow mode choose the gear.)
2. I know the X-Pro has an internal transmission cooler but an obvious fix would be an external auxiliary tranny cooler? Has anyone done this and if so, can you share a link?
3. With adding an auxiliary cooler I obviously don't want to affect the factory warranty. Thoughts on warranty coverage? (I'll check with dealer too.)
I find it surprising that Kia could rate the X-Pro at 5500# (with WDH) and yet these TFT's could so quickly rise with moderate climbing.π― However, on all other areas we love our Telly!π Many, MANY thanks in advance!
The good news? Telly had "adequate" power, decent braking with the Prodigy P3 brake controller I installed and little sway with the WDH.π The not-so-good news? It came from the Scan Gauge II I installed to keep an eye on the transmission fluid temperature.(TFT)
I chose a sustained 8 mile highway climb with a 700' elevation climb in Towing Mode. (On the flats at 60 MPH TFT was 190-200) However, as I climbed the moderate grade (sorry, don't have an exact %) TFTs rapidly climbed so I quickly slowed down first to 40 MPH and then 30 MPH. (Not making a lot of friends behind me!)
At 30 MPH TFT stabilized at 224. (I'm not a mechanic but Google consistently tells me "bad things" start to happen over 220!)
I then timidly pushed the limit and drove slowly (more 30 MPH creeping) 10 miles with a 1300' elevation gain and the TFT rose to 226. (Radiator temp on the Scan Gauge read 216.)
So folks, is there something I could have done better here?
1. Any work arounds? Is there a better way I should drive hills? (I let tow mode choose the gear.)
2. I know the X-Pro has an internal transmission cooler but an obvious fix would be an external auxiliary tranny cooler? Has anyone done this and if so, can you share a link?
3. With adding an auxiliary cooler I obviously don't want to affect the factory warranty. Thoughts on warranty coverage? (I'll check with dealer too.)
I find it surprising that Kia could rate the X-Pro at 5500# (with WDH) and yet these TFT's could so quickly rise with moderate climbing.π― However, on all other areas we love our Telly!π Many, MANY thanks in advance!