1st time poster here.
I hoped to use our new X-Pro (with towing package for a 5500# tow rating with weight distributing hitch) to tow our 4560# loaded travel trailer on occasional trips. (We also plan to get a 1/2 4WD PU as main TV.) Yesterday I headed out for a test drive before leaving for southern AZ😎 next Thursday.
The good news? Telly had "adequate" power, decent braking with the Prodigy P3 brake controller I installed and little sway with the WDH.👍 The not-so-good news? It came from the Scan Gauge II I installed to keep an eye on the transmission fluid temperature.(TFT)
I chose a sustained 8 mile highway climb with a 700' elevation climb in Towing Mode. (On the flats at 60 MPH TFT was 190-200) However, as I climbed the moderate grade (sorry, don't have an exact %) TFTs rapidly climbed so I quickly slowed down first to 40 MPH and then 30 MPH. (Not making a lot of friends behind me!)
At 30 MPH TFT stabilized at 224. (I'm not a mechanic but Google consistently tells me "bad things" start to happen over 220!)
I then timidly pushed the limit and drove slowly (more 30 MPH creeping) 10 miles with a 1300' elevation gain and the TFT rose to 226. (Radiator temp on the Scan Gauge read 216.)
So folks, is there something I could have done better here?
Questions for the group:
1. Any work arounds? Is there a better way I should drive hills? (I let tow mode choose the gear.)
2. I know the X-Pro has an internal transmission cooler but an obvious fix would be an external auxiliary tranny cooler? Has anyone done this and if so, can you share a link?
3. With adding an auxiliary cooler I obviously don't want to affect the factory warranty. Thoughts on warranty coverage? (I'll check with dealer too.)
I find it surprising that Kia could rate the X-Pro at 5500# (with WDH) and yet these TFT's could so quickly rise with moderate climbing.😯 However, on all other areas we love our Telly!💖 Many, MANY thanks in advance!
The good news? Telly had "adequate" power, decent braking with the Prodigy P3 brake controller I installed and little sway with the WDH.👍 The not-so-good news? It came from the Scan Gauge II I installed to keep an eye on the transmission fluid temperature.(TFT)
I chose a sustained 8 mile highway climb with a 700' elevation climb in Towing Mode. (On the flats at 60 MPH TFT was 190-200) However, as I climbed the moderate grade (sorry, don't have an exact %) TFTs rapidly climbed so I quickly slowed down first to 40 MPH and then 30 MPH. (Not making a lot of friends behind me!)
At 30 MPH TFT stabilized at 224. (I'm not a mechanic but Google consistently tells me "bad things" start to happen over 220!)
I then timidly pushed the limit and drove slowly (more 30 MPH creeping) 10 miles with a 1300' elevation gain and the TFT rose to 226. (Radiator temp on the Scan Gauge read 216.)
So folks, is there something I could have done better here?
1. Any work arounds? Is there a better way I should drive hills? (I let tow mode choose the gear.)
2. I know the X-Pro has an internal transmission cooler but an obvious fix would be an external auxiliary tranny cooler? Has anyone done this and if so, can you share a link?
3. With adding an auxiliary cooler I obviously don't want to affect the factory warranty. Thoughts on warranty coverage? (I'll check with dealer too.)
I find it surprising that Kia could rate the X-Pro at 5500# (with WDH) and yet these TFT's could so quickly rise with moderate climbing.😯 However, on all other areas we love our Telly!💖 Many, MANY thanks in advance!