Just bought a 2024 Telluride, after 1900 miles the transmission stuck in 5th gear. Switching from drive to park and back, putting it in manual mode didn't change it. Had to turn car off and back on to get back into 1st gear, then it threw a trany error. Drove back home in manual mode with no issues. Dropped off at dealer but they don't know what the code means. They are going back and forth with Kia on what to do next. Seems the transmission linkage is not syncing up maybe. It has been two days and they have not decided what to do. This is very disappointing considering how good the reliability was supposed to be with this SUV and how well my other Kia held up after over 100K miles.
Having similar issues, bought ours Brand new March of 2024, starting noticing problems right away before 1st oil change ,6000k.
At first thought it was something with the "Auto Hold" feature, but after experiencing it a couple times, It was stuck in a higher gear,, this last time it was stuck in 5th,, manual shift up or down would not work, had to park the vehicle and shut off, no codes at all, sometimes a significate thump in the transmission when it happens then shifts fine,, Been in the dealership 3 times, but they cant/wont do anything about it even after catching the experience on video.. if Eagle2023 has any more updates to your issue please let us know. Our is a 2024 AWD